It seems like it’s been a month since our last posting on the blog; it almost has been. Soon after our arrival in Elizabeth at Rick and Zoe’s, they invited us to join them for a vacation on their houseboat at Lake Powell (LP). So, while Rick went bow hunting for elk the first weekend of the month, we were busy shopping for food and preparing as many meals as possible, to eliminate time in the kitchen while at LP. There would be 4 adults and 6 young adults (Ages 19-23) on the trip, and I had not prepared a meal for that many in a few years, so needless to say, this was going to be a challenge. OK. 7 days x 3 meals/day = 21 meals. “Zoe, have you prepared a menu?” “Yes”, she replied. Thank God.
On to the store, and back in the kitchen, we prepared 6 pounds of BBQ pulled beef brisket for sandwiches. Used Nana’s recipe to make 1 ground beef, and 1 sausage and mushroom lasagna (ended up being enough for 2 meals, as I made 2 – 13” x 9” pans with 4 layers each) for Italian night. Concocted 3 pounds of taco meat for Taco Tuesday. Did 3 pounds of sloppy joes for ??? night and/or lunch. Chopped, diced, and mixed 4 pounds of pasta salad for lunch, and/or a side dish. Fried 4 pounds of bacon (breakfast and BLT’s for lunch) and 3 pounds of sausage patties for breakfasts. Made 12 breakfast burritos and 12 Egg McMuffins. Am I done yet? Oh yea. Vacuum seal all of the above and freeze. The remainder of the meals were prepared on the boat, as it’s difficult to pre-cook steaks, pork tenderloin, hamburgers, hot dogs, brats, scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, and be pleased with the results.
When Rick informed us we would be departing on Saturday morning at 4 am, I almost threw in the towel. Didn’t he know we were retired and 4 am is when we get our best sleep? CC convinced me that it wouldn’t kill me to be up before the roosters, and to quit whining and just do it. (No advertisement for Nike intended or implied) We finally departed shortly after 6 am for the 8 – 9 hour drive to Bullfrog Marina on LP.
We arrived at Bullfrog around 3:30 pm, and began unpacking the vehicles to transfer the metric ton or more of food, soft drinks, beer, ice, and luggage the 10 of us had, and began the arduous task of loading the boat, the Canyon Explorer. By 6:30, we were all ready for an adult beverage, minors and prego excluded. Dinner consisted of BBQ pulled pork sandwiches. (As usual, click on any image to enlarge)
Sunday morning, the First Mate, Zoe, decided we should venture southward to the San Juan Arm of LP (between channel marker 57 & 58); a distance of 40 – 50 miles. The views were amazing, and the panorama impressive. Traveling at the breakneck speed of 6 mph, towing the 3 water toys, would take us most of the day.
It was with a steady hand we were carefully guided down the Colorado River by Captain “Hank” and First Mate, Zoe, at the upper helm of the Canyon Explorer (CE).
Shortly before 6 pm we beached the CE, and Justin, Garret and Jobi secured the vessel with 4 lines to the shore. While the adults enjoyed an adult beverage, they also prepared a gourmet meal of grilled hamburgers and hot dogs. After dark, Justin, “The Great White Hunter”, went in search of the elusive, deadly, white scorpion, known to inhabit the area. A short time later he emerged from the darkness, prey in hand.
Monday, it was decided that we should dispatch a scout party to search for a better campsite, preferably off the main channel. With that task in hand, it was all hands on deck, as Jobi and Alicia ventured off on the wave runner, while Justin and Rebecca varoomed off in the 502 Mag “Red Dog”, leaving Garret and prego Jessie, to pilot the Conroy in their pursuit of the “ultimate” campsite. Within 2 hours, we were on the move, and lucky for us, it was only a few miles down the canyon. Upon arrival, it was time to unwind on the swim island, wave runner, or just do some leisurely “Hillbilly Deluxe” fishin’.
That evening, the winds picked up, and although grilled pork tenderloin was on the menu, the weather was not cooperating, so it was Plan B, salad, garlic bread and lasagna. Add a glass of vino, and it was a superb dining experience. The young adults partied until late and finally decided on sleeping under the stars on the upper deck sometime after midnight.
DID YOU SEE THAT? ……..GET HIM!……… THERE HE GOES!…….With that the adults were shockingly awakened. The “kids” were running around like screamin’ banshees about a wild animal on the boat, and as testerone would have it, the 3 young males mounted a “moonlight hunt” in search of the elusive intruder. Under light of day, it was determined “The Intruder” to be a Ring Tailed Cat. Seems as if someone had left the ramp down, and it just walked right up on the boat to take a look see.
Since it was Tuesday, it must be Taco Tuesday. Right you are; not only tacos, but burritos, refried beans, chips and salsa, margaritas, cerveza fria, and even a shot or two of Centenario Agave Anejo Tequila. It was a fiesta for sure, and after dinner we all turned in early. NOT. Once again, the young adults partied into the wee hours and finally decided on sleeping on the upper deck sometime after midnight???.
Have we had enough excitement yet? I thought this was supposed to be a relaxing trip? Actually, the next day, Wednesday, was rainy and overcast, and too cool to be in the water, so we mostly just relaxed, read, consumed a few cerveza fria, and in general tried to recharge our partially depleted personas.
Thursday morning, Captain “Hank” decided it might be best if we moved a few miles upriver, to make the travel day back to Bullfrog a little shorter. So with that, the orders were given to “weigh anchor”, and the shipmates went into action. Within an hour, we were streaking along at a blistering 6 mph. In a little over 2 hours, we arrived at our new campsite near channel marker 67. Thursday was designated as “Steak Night”, and so it was that salad, steak and baked potatoes were enjoyed by all. It will come as no surprise that the young adults, once again, partied until ???? It’s been awhile since I was that age, but don’t remember hitting it that hard for that many days in a row. CC tells me that I’m just getting old.
Travel day Friday. Since check in time for the boat was 10 am on Saturday morning, it was necessary to be at Bullfrog Marina Friday night to unload and clean the boat before the time of check in. So, after a leisurely breakfast, we weighed anchor at set off for the trip up the channel. Captain “Hank” piloted the CE solo, while the remaining crew went on a sightseeing excursion in Red Dog and Conroy; first stop, the Anasazi Ruins in Escalante Canyon.
Next stop, La Gorce Arch; a beautiful arch on the Escalante Arm of Lake Powell. When the lake water level is high, you can pilot a small houseboat up this far. The arch is visible from both front and back, and so is one of the most photographed arches on Lake Powell.
Since it was now around 2:30 pm, and we told Captain “Hank” we would meet up with him around 3, we headed up the channel where we caught him around marker 83. After securing the water toys, we continued to Bullfrog, arriving about 6:30 pm. Dinner theme tonight? Garbage night; eat up leftovers. And right you are, the young adults once again did their thing.
Saturday morning, everyone was up and at it by 7 am: packing, unloading, and cleaning, readying the boat for the 10 am check in. It was actually closer to 11 when that process was complete, as we prepared for the 9 hour drive back to Elizabeth.
All in all, it was a good trip. Not once did we need the first aid kit, and the only items that were missed the entire trip;..................... $49 and some toenail polish remover for those "cute tootsies".
Thanks for stopping by. Until next time, take care and stay well………………