CC and I continue to scratch our heads and wonder where the time goes. When we were working, the days just dragged on and on; now they pass with what seems is the speed of light. If it were not for the photo journal of our exploits, I’m sure we could only wonder what we have been doing to “waste” so much time. A good friend, just this week, asked me if we were bored yet with this lifestyle, and all I can say, as we near our 10 month anniversary of “full timing”, is simply and unequivocally, ….NO…..!!! With that diatribe completed, on with our “goings on”.
The drive from SPI to Corpus Christi was uneventful, thank God, as one crazy driver passed me on the right side shoulder, as we headed north on Hwy 77, going at least 70-75 mph; Scared the jeebies out of both of us. No doubt college kids returning to school after spring break; I hope he got to where he, and his passengers, was going, alive and in one piece. We arrived at the Colonia Del Ray RV Park (http://www.ccrvresorts.com/index.htm) around 3 pm and decided to go to the pool; bad idea as it wasn’t heated. So, not to be discouraged, decided on the hot tub; wrong again, as it was about 85 degrees. The park was nice, but thumbs down on the pool and hot tub.
Corpus Christi is home to the USS Lexington CV-16. (http://www.usslexington.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=38&Itemid=49). Imaginations run wild aboard the USS LEXINGTON. The sights, the sounds, and smells, are so real and so intense you become a part of the story the second you step foot aboard this World War II era aircraft carrier. There's an adventure around every corner as you make your way through the maze of tunnels and ladders. Your seat becomes a cockpit in our Flight Simulator. You get behind the controls at our all-new Virtual Battle Stations. And the three story tall MEGA Theater...well you'll just have to see that for yourself. (Click on any image to enlarge)
We have a personal attachment to the carrier, as CC’s brother, Mike, aka call sign “Mad Dog”, actually made his first night time carrier landing on its deck, way back in the early 80’s, in an A-6 “Intruder”, like the one pictured below.
We decided to take the “scenic” drive around Corpus via Port Aransas, and find a place for a late lunch. After the brief ferry ride…………..
We arrived at what looked like a promising culinary establishment in the Port Aransas Marina, “Fins”.
And, what I can only describe as Waaayyyy overpriced, our combo arrived that we split; shrimp, oysters, fries and coleslaw. The food was good, not great, as the price may have indicated, but we were both famished, so had no problem devouring every morsel.
The following day we decided to explore North Padre Island, thinking it would be comparable to South Padre Island, but we were sorely disappointed. Not exactly a vacation hotspot, as far as we are concerned, the island is mostly residential and not overly populated at all. It just didn’t have the “it” factor we look for, and the beach was, shall we say, less than inviting.
We did however, manage to make a silk purse out of a sows ear, by discovering “Snoopy’s” Seafood Restaurant & Bar, right on the water of Corpus Christi Bay. The food was excellent, and very reasonably priced, we rated it two thumbs up.
OK, on to the Galveston area, with a nice tail wind we finally managed decent fuel economy; almost 8. The “toad” (Jeep) pulls down the MPG by at least 1, possibly 1.5 MPG, so I was pleased with what we averaged. We filled the tank about halfway up the coast for $3.49 per gallon. With prices approaching $4, we will just adjust our travel plans, move a little slower, and stay in one place a little longer. CC the travel planner, found a quiet, reasonably priced Passport America Park in League City, TX, about halfway between Houston and Galveston. http://www.safarirvpark.com/amenities.html
The following day we ventured to PPL RV Sales & Consignments, to look at Diesel Pushers. They were having a huge sale, with about 450 units to choose from. We found one that we liked and went in to “talk turkey” with the sales manager; bottom line, they really did NOT want our trade-in as they were out of space and money for new inventory. The 2007 Itasca Horizon may have been a good deal, but not a great one. We’ll wait until one comes along; they always do.
Now, on to explore Galveston Island. We were impressed with the architecture, beach, and the overall “feel” of the island. We took a stroll on the beach, toured a RV park as a possibly stay next winter for a month or so, had lunch, and then another 4 mile walk on the beach, hand in hand. (All together now……Ain’t that sweet!)
Most of the damage done by Hurricane Ike has been repaired and/or rebuilt. We did notice a few places right on the beach that were damaged, that had yet to be restored. After speaking to some of the locals, we speculate they either had no insurance or are still in a fight with their insurance company over damages.
Our next destination, Lake Charles, LA, a short hop of around 150 miles, where we will be staying at Sam Houston Jones State Park. See ya there. Until then, take care and stay well………