Wow! It’s been almost a month since our last posting. The park really fills fast after Christmas, and that means more people = more parties / happy hours / potluck dinners. It is truly amazing how busy we stay, and we comment often that this retirement lifestyle is a full time job.
We started the year with OSU vs Stanford in the Fiesta Bowl. CC went “all in” as we prepared appetizers and cold adult beverages for what was anticipated to be a good game. It was, as OSU was victorious 41 - 38 . When OSU scored the winning touchdown, CC screamed so loud, it caused one of our neighbors to come knock on the door and check on us. He thought I was "doing something" to her???(As usual, click on any image to enlarge.)
Our friends from Englewood Beach, FL, Kathi and Obie, came for a week to visit our winter home here in the RGV. The week they were here was a little cooler than normal, but we did our best to cram two weeks of activities into one; two trips to Nuevo Progreso for $2 margs, shopping and lonches, 2 potluck dinners (one smoked ribs and the other a fish fry), daily happy hours, shopping , sightseeing and pool time as weather permitted. We had a wonderful visit, and, as usual, the time went by too fast; probably because we didn’t have any fun at all. NOT.
One afternoon, after pool time, and before happy hour, Kathi was shocked as she started screaming, “CC, there is an officer at the front door”. I thought, “What the hell is going on”, as I laid eyes on the "officer”.
One look was all I needed; it was just Kenny, another of the Winter Texans here at the park. He has a propensity for dressing up in a variety of costumes. You just never know when, where, or what he will show up as. We all had a good laugh, even Kenny, as he was pleased with his “act” and the fact he scared the beejees out of Kathi. But today was a first. We were to witness only his first appearance, and little did we know that he also had plans for Obie after dinner that same evening. (Carl and Carla whooping it up in the background.)
You may want to click on the picture to enlarge it, and see how Lena (aka Kenny) left her signature trademark on just another of her victims. We were all laughing so hard, someone actually tinkled in their shorts. After “Lena” left, we all decided we would take up a collection to get her some new shoes for her outfit, but finding a women’s 12EEE with a 5” spike heel may prove a difficult task to complete. Are we having fun yet?
Since it’s been a few days, a visit to Nuevo Progreso was on the agenda for manicures and pedicures at Bianca’s. On this trip, Hugh and Jane decided to tag along and indulge as well. Hugh is a little on the tight side, but $9 for a pedicure is just too good a deal to pass up.
The NPBR (National Professional Bull Riders) held a world championship event in nearby Mercedes, about 5 miles from our park, so we decided to attend. CC and I drove to McAllen one morning to purchase 8 tickets that would permit us to enter the event without standing in the long lines formed by those purchasing their tickets at the gate. We got right in, had excellent seats, and thoroughly enjoyed the 3 hour show. Nothing but bull riding; it just doesn’t get any better than this. (The burning 8 in the picture stands for the 8 seconds a rider must stay on the bull for a qualified ride.)
CC and I like to explore the RGV, so we decided Arroyo City was as good a day trip as any. Arroyo City, also known as Arroyo, is located on Farm Road 2925 a mile east of Farm Road 1847 and ten miles northeast of Rio Hondo in northeastern Cameron County. The area was settled by Mexican herders in the early 1860s and named for its location on the Arroyo Colorado. In 1904 the community had a school with one teacher and twenty-four students. A post office operated in Arroyo City from 1887 to 1907. In 1910 the settlement had two stores and a population estimated at ten. During the 1930s a few scattered houses remained in the area. In 1970 the community had various dwellings and businesses, and in 1990 Arroyo City was still marked on state highway maps.
The arroyo (a steep-sided gully cut by running water in an arid or semiarid region) still operates today as a shipping channel, running from the Gulf of Mexico to Harlingen, TX, and is 250-350 feet wide the entire length. The Army Corp of Engineers maintains it by dredging, to allow large cargo ships adequate depth for passage. Five miles inland lies Arroyo City Park, complete with 2 fishing piers, boat launch, and RV park. This is a remote area, roughly 15 miles to the nearest store of any kind in Rio Hondo. For those looking for some prime fishing, and/or “getting away from civilization”, this is the place. We haven’t yet decided on if we will drive the RV one hour west to spend a week, possibly in March.
Well, that is just a snapshot of our month here in Weslaco, TX. If we can slow down a little from our hectic social calendar, future postings will resume to at least once a week. There are just so many hours in the day, and the main reason we chose this lifestyle was to live every minute, and unfortunately living takes priority over blogging. Thanks for stopping by, and until next time, take care and stay well………