Wow! 2010 has been a memorable year, and tomorrow I/we plan on sitting down and reflecting, but for now, I shall post a brief blog on our activities for the week, as it is New Years Eve, and CC and I have BIG plans ;-) (Wink, Wink) LOL
We have been sedentary too long, so a day trip was in order. Today’s destination is Roma, TX. Roma was founded in 1765 and incorporated in 1836. It serves as a port of entry from Mexico into the U.S. via the Roma-Ciudad Miguel Aleman International Bridge. Prior to Texas independence from Mexico in 1836, the town was listed as under the jurisdiction of the town of Mier, Mexico and served under Spanish rule. Many old original buildings still exist, albeit in a state of disrepair. (Click on images to enlarge)
We stopped and talked with a fellow Border Patrol Agent, as we gazed across the river, and he commented that most of the “fishermen” on the banks were really "scouts for the Cartel", and as soon as he would leave his post, they would throw the rafts in the water and try to make it across the Rio Grande in broad daylight, no less.
From Roma, it was southeast bound for Los Ebanos, the only hand drawn ferry crossing on any of the US borders. When you drive down the curving old highway that leads to Los Ebanos, it is like driving into a land that time forgot. On either side of this rural road, native greenery such as a wide variety of cacti and mesquite trees thrive. The chains of rolling, pebbly hills which come to an abrupt end at the rusty, railroad tracks have yielded numerous legends of lost buried treasure and several ghost sightings, unique to the area.
And today, New Years Eve, we once again ventured to Nuevo Progreso, in search of the elusive $15 Gucci purse for CC. Some would argue that they are forgeries, and I would have to agree. But why one would spend $600 - $2,000 for a purse is foreign thinking to me. After all, a purse is a purse is a purse, and is merely a carrier of “stuff”; pictures to follow as soon as we can reclaim it from customs.
From CC and I, we wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. Until next time, take care and stay well……….