We arrived in Childress, and got set up at the Best Western RV Park, which is only a few blocks from CC’s daughter’s house. But, come to think about it, EVERYTHING in Childress is only a few blocks from anywhere in town. CC and I prepared a dinner of penne pasta with sausage, crimini mushrooms, onion, and green peppers in a savory marinara sauce, and Letta and Billy arrived around 6 pm. We had a wonderful visit over dinner and shared a glass of wine.
On our last visit, we journeyed to Palo Duro Canyon Sate Park, so today we decided on the closer and lesser Caprock Canyons State Park, 100 miles southeast of Amarillo in Briscoe County, which opened in 1982. It consists of 15,313.6 acres (including the Trailway, a 64.25 mile Rail-to-Trail conversion, acquired by donation in 1992 from a Railroad entrepreneur). This acquisition added recreational adventure, stretching from the western terminus at South Plains up on top of the caprock escarpment to the eastern terminus of Estelline in the Red River Valley. This multi-use trail (hike, bike, and equestrian), opened in 1993, stretches the park through Floyd, Briscoe, and Hall counties crossing 46 bridges and running through Clarity tunnel, one of the last active railroad tunnels in Texas. The 64.25 miles of the Trailway are open to the public from Estelline to South Plains. (As usual, click on any image to enlarge.)
The escarpment's scenic canyons were home for Indians of several cultures, including the Folsom culture of more than 10,000 years ago. A decrease or disappearance of some species, from Folsom times to present, indicates a gradual drying and perhaps warming of the climate. Later paleolithic hunters, associated with the Plainview culture, also occupied the area from 8000-9,000 years ago. Only slight traces of these people have been found at Caprock Canyons. As the climate became increasingly drier, the period of hunting and gathering cultures began. Smaller animals, as well as plant materials, made up the diet of the people. The Archaic period lasted from 8,000 to 2,000 years ago. Artifacts from this period include boiling pebbles for heating food, grinding stones for processing seeds, oval knives, and corner-notched or indented dart points. The Neo-Indian state was characterized by the appearance of arrow points and pottery. During the latter part of this period, 800 years ago until the Spanish exploration, permanent settlements were established, and agriculture was being practiced to some extent. These people traded Alibates flint for pottery, turquoise, and obsidian from the Puebloan groups to the west.
The region's historic era began when Spanish explorer Coronado traveled across the plains in 1541. After Spanish colonies were established in New Mexico around 1600, two-way trade between Plains Indians and New Mexicans began and gradually increased. The Plains Apache, present when Coronado arrived, acquired horses and became proficient buffalo hunters. They were displaced by the Comanche, who arrived in the early 1700s and dominated northwestern Texas, until they were finally subdued in the 1870s. During the Comanche reign, trade prospered and New Mexican buffalo hunters, known as ciboleros, and traders, known as Comancheros, were frequent visitors to this area. Las Lenguas Creek, a few miles south of the park, was a major trade area, and a site excavated on Quitaque Creek has produced artifacts indicating that it may have been a cibolero camp.
No family outing would be complete without at least one family photo. From left to right, CC and I, CC's daughter, Letta Jo, and her husband Billy Don, and far right, Letta’s son, Lane, (with hat and sunglasses), and his girlfriend Mary.
Missing from the family photo is Hurley, which belonged to Lane, but now resides with Grandparents Billy Don and Letta Jo. (Bet THAT hasn't happened to anyone else. LOL) We speculate that he is part Boxer, part Pit Bull, and part Spook. When surprised, his bark and demeanor would indicate Pit Bull and/or Boxer, but most of the time he is just Hurley being Hurley. Such a sweet face!
After a wonderful visit in Childress, we departed via US-287S to US-281S, in route to Coffee Creek Campground in Santo, TX. The trip thankfully, was uneventful. We bucked a pretty stiff head wind, but arrived unscathed around 3 pm. This is a fairly new, very pleasant RV park, one of the nicest we have stayed in; paved roads, wide lots, extremely clean restrooms with spacious showers, and a great hot tub and pool. Who would have thunk it in Santo?
After a wonderful visit in Childress, we departed via US-287S to US-281S, in route to Coffee Creek Campground in Santo, TX. The trip thankfully, was uneventful. We bucked a pretty stiff head wind, but arrived unscathed around 3 pm. This is a fairly new, very pleasant RV park, one of the nicest we have stayed in; paved roads, wide lots, extremely clean restrooms with spacious showers, and a great hot tub and pool. Who would have thunk it in Santo?
We made our way, continuing southward on US-281 to Elmendorf, TX, on the southeast side of San Antonio, to Braunig Lake RV Resort, where we will lay up a few days in order for Allen from San Antonio RV to repair our Dometic refrigerator. It has been giving us an error code “ER-13”, and that indicates that the heating element in the freezer defroster is not working properly. From here we will venture southward to Mission, TX, where we have an appointment to get the oil changed at Camping World, before we park for the winter. (Cummins STRONGLY recommends that the oil be changed before letting the engine sit for prolonged periods without running.) From Camping World, we will take 83W to Weslaco, where we will once again winter at Country Sunshine.
Until next time, take care and stay well……………………..