We arrived in Marfa, at the Apache Pines RV Park. Our first attempt at setting up the rig failed because the rear wheels were lower than the front ones. So we decided to just turn around and pull into what was designed as a back in. Second attempt failed to level due to “Excess Slope” warning on the HWH auto-levelers. As they say, third time is the charm; pulled up front, to a different site closer to the highway, backed in, hit the auto-level, and hallelujah, we were level………… FINALLY! (As usual click on any image to enlarge)
This RV Park definitely did NOT have the “it” factor, but compared to the other one in town; it was much nicer by far. (Hard to imagine that by looking at the above picture, so that just proves the other one was a REAL DUMP.) We came to Marfa to experience the Marfa Lights, so although the park wasn’t that nice, it was good enough for what we wanted, and the owners had actually watered the few cacti there as well as the five large pine trees; its namesake. The yuccas were in full bloom; finally we get to see some cacti blooming.
The infamous Marfa Lights; not exactly what we thought they were going to be. CC and I had visions of the Aurora Borealis. Not even close. It reminded me more of a two pair of headlights on the horizon, miles and miles away. CC thought it looked like campfires; either way we are just getting too old to enjoy the simpler things in life, OR, they are way over hyped. We’re not THAT old, so the latter must be true.
The next morning we left Marfa, vowing never to return, in route 215 miles to Anthony, TX; just north of El Paso. Why Anthony? Well, we have a few things that need to be repaired on the rig, and there is a Camping World in Anthony, with an adjacent RV park. Our dash A/C quit working outside of Laredo, and since we plan to journey up the west coast, California requires an auxiliary braking system on our toad. Last August when we upgraded the rig and toad, Leach Camper Sales in Lincoln, NE, transferred our old brake system to the new rig. But lo and behold, ol’ Murphy had other ideas about an uneventful departure, and the Brakemaster brake cylinder came up missing at the eleventh hour. Leach finally sent us a new one last November, but it wasn’t the same one that we had, so there were modifications that needed to be made to the system to make it “legal”.
We drove straight to Camping World in hopes of getting in and out within a reasonably quick time frame. The earliest they could get us in was Thursday, so, Thursday it was. They saw no problems getting our work done in one day. “OK”, I said, “think you’d have time to give Ellie a bath as well.” Again, no problem. CC was somewhat perturbed that they couldn’t get us in any sooner, but I shrugged it off, and thought it would give us time to re-provision, see some sights, and finalize our taxes. So, it was off to American RV Park, right behind Camping World, which would become our home for the next 4 nights.
CC contacted her BFF (from HS), Donna, to make arrangements to meet and catch up on each other’s lives for the last few years. Lucky for us, she didn’t have dinner plans, so she recommended The Cattle Baron in Las Cruces, NM. CC chose the Grilled Chicken Caesar, Donna opted for the Teriyaki Chicken, and I, well, this is a steak place, right? Ribeye for me, thank you, medium rare please. Not much was left on our plates, so I can only assume, (which I really hate to do) that everyone enjoyed their meal. For all you single guys, Donna is as well, and has a cute little tushy with personality to match. CC wants to play match maker and find a good man for her BFF; any real men out there interested?
Arriving at Camping World early on Thursday, the service department needed the motor home and Equinox to complete the repairs. This gave us the wonderful opportunity to shop camping world all day. We looked at all kinds of RV accessories and supplies, and all the different RV’s (popup, travel trailers, Class C, Fifth Wheels and Class A) in the showroom as well as outside. After a quick trip to Ernesto’s, around 11:30 for lunch, where we feasted on CC’s favorite cuisine, returned to Camping World to check on the progress of the rig. It was after 6 when we finally pulled away from CW, back to American RV Park for the night. Unfortunately they were not able to fix the problems with the dash air conditioner or wash the rig. Hey. At least they got the brake system working. One outa three; they’re batting .333. Their service department recommended we contact the Freightliner dealer in Las Cruces, NM.
The next morning we are off to an authorized Freightliner service center, Las Cruces Travel America Center. Upon arrival, they informed us they only service RV tires. Ok, next stop Sunland RV, whom is a partner with our extended warranty provider. I’m beginning to think we’re getting the run-a-round. Sunland says, “We don’t service any diesel chassis issues, that’s a Freightliner problem. You can try Bogart’s around the corner, and see if Chad can help you.” Now, I’m officially pissed. My extended warranty provider tells me they don’t service that. For what the hell did I pay them over $7K? But, as my Mom taught me, you catch more bees with honey than you do with vinegar; mustered a smile, and said, “Can you give me the address of Bogart’s?”
Walking in to Bogart’s I was apprehensive, definitely feeling I was getting the major run-a-round. I asked to speak to Chad, and was told he would be right with me. A minute or so later he appeared and asked, “How can I help you?” As I explained the series of events to Chad, I couldn’t help but think, where will he send me? Much to my surprise, he said, “I’m on another job right now, if you want to wait in the rig for awhile, I get to you as soon as I can. CC and I meandered out to the MH and proceeded to kill some time by watching TV. About 5 minutes later, Chad knocked on the door and said, “I’m ready to commandeer your rig.” I told CC, this may take all day, let’s go check out an RV park for tonight.
We had no more finished the paperwork at Sunny Acres RV Park, when Chad called and said, “You’re MH is ready; the A/C is working like new.” I looked at my watch; a mere 20 minutes had passed since we left Bogart’s. I was shocked to say the least, given the chain of events over the past week and what we had endured getting the dash A/C fixed. On arrival, Chad explained it was a loose wire that had been improperly installed at the factory. After paying the minimum one hour charge ($95) at Bogart’s we left feeling that FINALLY someone had stepped up to the plate, and taken care of the problem. Bogart’s was great. I can’t say enough good things about Chad. If you’re ever in Las Cruces, and in need of RV repair, look nowhere else but Bogart’s! Thanks Chad, you’re the best.
This morning we moved to Deming, NM, a short 55 mile jaunt, where, over the next few days will explore Silver City, and possibly Palomas, MX, to replenish our (CC's) tequila supply. Thanks for stopping by, until next time, take care and stay well……………………………
Wow, I just found your blog and I can't wait to read more!