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We got a late start on Monday morning, mainly because we both had a difficult time falling asleep on Sunday night. The 135 mile trip across I-90- was wind aided by a strong wind from the SW. While we enjoyed our stay at Suncrest in Moses Lake, we were more than pleasantly surprised when we arrived at Spokane RV and Golf Resort. (Click on any image to enlarge)
This is what we are forced to look at from the picture window in the front of the rig.
Tuesday morning we got energetic and washed and waxed the rig. While I washed the roof, CC cleaned inside. After that, we both tackled the outside, and managed to get it all done except for the south side. By that time the sun was shining on the surface, making waxing impossible. We’ll finish up early tomorrow morning before the sun alters our plans.
Wednesday after our “chore for the day” was completed, decided a road trip to Spokane was in order. We usually do the Information Center first, which provides us will useful information. The lady working there was very helpful, and gave us a map of the Riverpark area; so off we went. Finding parking was simple and cheap; $3 for 4 hours, very different from Seattle.
We had a nice walk along the Spokane River, through the park, and down to Spokane Falls. CC commented that we are now “Fall Snobs”, seeing so many in the last 3 months makes us critical of ones that are only so-so.
After lunch we followed “The Sculpture Walk” for awhile, and we amazed at some of the 22 pieces on display. This one by David Govedare (1984), entitled “The Joy of Running Together”, depicts runners of all kinds, as it celebrates Bloomsday, the largest timed running race in the world!
Harold Balazs created “Centennial” in 1978, which is an abstract aluminum sculpture that “floats” in the Spokane River.
It’s no pig, so rubbing its nose won’t bring good fortune, but this goat can eat small pieces of garbage with the aid of an internal vacuum digestive system. Now that’s what I call “Working Art”, and was created by Sister Paula Tunbull in 1974.
The Rotary Riverfront Fountain, by Harold Balazs and Bob Perron is interactive, which on this warm day the children seemed to enjoy. There are numerous free playgrounds and exhibits in the park, which I personally think is great that anyone and everyone can enjoy this carefully planned island.
Next stop, a short 25 mile drive east to Coeur D’Alene, ID. We stopped at the visitor’s center once again, and asked about some things to do in limited time, since it was late in the day. OK, on to the Boardwalk which encircles the marina, and the views of the lake are fantastic. IMHO, Lake Couer D’Alene is one of the most picturesque lakes in the US.
One would have a hard time believing we are in the midst of a struggling economy with all the toys in the marina. CC found a 2012 46 foot Regal cruiser that she liked; I had to remind her who she was married to.
By the time we made it to the end of the Boadwalk it was getting late, and as we discussed our dinner plans, CC guided me along. “How about this?” she quipped.
Again, I had to remind her. I sometimes think senility is
settling upon her, especially at times like this. With that, we continued to
the Equinox, and exited the “free” parking lot adjacent to the marina. I just
love the sound of that word.
The remainder of the week, we did catch up on long
overdue chores in and outside the rig. CC got caught up on the laundry,
including the bedding. The washer in the rig is only big enough to wash one
sheet at a time, so when she has the luxury of residential or commercial
washers and dryers, she opts for that, as it saves a lot of time.
We are both Olympic junkies, so the balance of our indoor
activities has been planned around them. (at least MOST of ‘em) I thought the opening ceremony was well done,
not as elaborate as China, but enjoyable and entertaining none the less. It
doesn’t appear the financial crisis is worldwide, as there were 60,000
attendees to the opening ceremony that paid $5,000 per ticket to be present;
total revenue for that one event, a mere $300 million.
Tomorrow we will move east to Kellogg, ID, and later in
the week to Montana, where we will get to see the majestic Glacier
National Park; might as well join us! Thanks for stopping by, until next time,
take care and stay well………………...
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